
The Best Movie From Each State: Georgia

Movie States in line

The results from the Tenth installment of my totally normal and not insane 51 week study of the top three movies from each state are IN. Remember everyone got three votes, so the percentages reflect how many times they appeared on every individual vote. For the Peach State, this is what y’all chose.

3. Gone With the Wind

Racist-ass movie.

2. Smokey and the Bandit 

This both a great movie, and a perfect Georgia movie. RIPIP to Burt Reynolds, who solidified himself as a Georgia badass not once, but twice on this list.

1. Deliverance

‘Dueling Banjos’ twang is one of the most memorable moments in movie history. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, you instantly know what it is when you hear it. I can really let the facts talk for themselves, just look at this section for the movie in wikipedia:

Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at 10.32.36

That’s an outrageous influence for one single movie to have on a state. Anyway, here is the breakdown of how y’all voted:

Results Georgia

As you can see, ‘Forrest Gump’ blew everything away. The reason it was included was because the park bench Forrest sits in throughout the entire movie, and the ending scene with Jenny, is set in Savannah. The feedback I received on Twitter and Reddit was fairly against this, especially since it already won first place in the best movies from Alabama. Even though you all voted for it overwhelmingly, I decided not to place it and give some new movies a chance. Anyway, on to the Aloha State, Hawaii. There’s a lot of room for write-in answers here, so if you don’t see a movie you want on the list, write it in. As always, if the embedded form doesn’t work, click here. Don’t forget to subscribe to Lights, Camera, Podfollow us on Twitterfollow us on Instagram and join in on the conversation on our Reddit.