
I Don't Want Anyone To Judge Deadspin Deputy Editor Barry Petchesky For His 2006 Comments About Fat Girls Giving Blowjobs *Update*

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I don’t want anyone bullied.  I don’t want anyone harassed.   2006 was a much different time on the internet.  There were a lot less rules.  A lot less hit pieces.  Really not fair to judge someone in 2018 by what they said long ago.  Things like “fat girls better give good head because they have nothing else going for them” on an article about Holly Mangold, (a wonderful person who is a friend of Barstool and has done a ton of content with us), who happens to be a larger woman.

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Things like “getting drunk and slobbering all over college girls against their will and without their consent”

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Things like “tying women up in sacks and dragging them through the mountains”

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It was years and years ago.  When you write on the internet for over a decade, there are a lot jokes that stay there forever, just waiting to be plucked out of context to make you look as bad as possible.

I won’t do that, and I thank my lucky stars every single day that nobody would do that to us.


Oh man.  This is hard to see.  The Deadspin IT department is gonna catch a ton of shit for this.  I mean it had to be hackers right?  No way someone would actually say these things.  Especially not under the “Staff” header on the comment section?  On a public website?  Somebody was hacking and leaving these comments for the entirety of 2006 and nobody noticed.  I hope whoever was responsible for saying these disgusting things is caught and brought to justice.

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