
The Best Movie From Each State: Florida

Movie States in line

The results from the Ninth installment of my totally normal and not insane 51 week study of the top three movies from each state are IN. Remember everyone got three votes, so the percentages reflect how many times they appeared on every individual vote. For the Sunshine State, this is what y’all chose.

3. The Truman Show

I don’t know that Florida immediately comes to mind, but this is a fantastic movie nonetheless. I love the thought experiment for the film, and it was an all-time performance from Jim Carrey.

2. There’s Something About Mary

Probably the least vice-fueled movie set in Miami ever, this is obviously one of the better comedies in recent memory. People forget it was the third highest grossing movie of 1998, behind only ‘Armageddon’ and ‘Saving Private Ryan’. Imagine a RomCom putting up those numbers in today’s hollywood landscape?

1. Scarface

This was never, ever in doubt. I’m happy you guys made the right choice here, because what says Florida more than mountains of drugs, violence, and sex.

Here is the breakdown:

Results Florida

We got our first write in result that actually made it over a percent! I love Ace Ventura so much, and I hope you guys take advantage of the write in option more moving forward. I will say that both ‘Moonlight’ and ‘The Florida Project’ were fantastic movies that embodied Florida way more than anything that placed, but they don’t have that same mainstream appeal. Anyway, lets watch 200 Ace Ventura clips real quick.


Anyway, lets move on to the Peach state, Georgia. They have way more great movies than I would have thought, and I expect it to be relativel close. I didn’t even realize that throughout all of Forrest Gump he is sitting on a bus stop bench in Savannah. There’s a lot of room for write-in answers here, so if you don’t see a movie you want on the list, write it in. As always, if the embedded form doesn’t work, click here. Don’t forget to subscribe to Lights, Camera, Podfollow us on Twitterfollow us on Instagram and join in on the conversation on our Reddit.