
If ABC Doesn't Make Jordan The Next Bachelor Then They've Lost Their Fastball

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So Jordan just posted that on Instagram. That’s him breaking up with Jenna Cooper. For those of you who don’t know, Jenna and Jordan got engaged on this season of Bachelor In Paradise. They were one of the strongest couples throughout the entire season. They were even on the finale last night talking to Chris Harrison about how they wanted him to officiate their wedding next June.

But then the all-knowing Reality Steve posted these screen shots on his website. They’re texts between Jenna and a guy she had been dating at the time

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Scandalous. Shit hit the fan after that. Jordan saw all of that and posted the above message on Instagram breaking up with her. Jenna and Jordan are no more because she’s a manipulative bitch who broke Jordan’s heart for money. Not only that but she was gonna try and sabotage Jordan and make him look like the bad guy. Jenna sucks. That’s really the main thing we learned from those texts.

I say all of things to say this, if ABC doesn’t make Jordan the next Bachelor then they’ve lost their fastball. I don’t care that they already picked Virgin Colton to be the next Bachelor. Kick him to the curb. Make Jordan the Bachelor. Colton is a snooooooooooooze fest compared to Jordan. Everybody is a snooze fest compared to Jordan. Jordan is legitimately one of the most interesting and entertaining people to have ever graced the Bachelor universe. He’s a star. He went from being the villain on Becca’s season to being beloved by every single Bachelor viewer during his time on Bachelor In Paradise. He’s charming. He’s charismatic. He’s funny. He’s perfect.

Jordan checks every Next Bachelor box:

– He’s not Colton

– He just got his heart broken in a super public way so people are rooting for him

– He’s not Colton

I mean imagine keeping boring Colton as the Bachelor when you have an A+++++++++ pick like Jordan who’s available. We’ve had so many bad Bachelors in a row that I don’t know if I can sit through another one (I can. I’m just saying I won’t be happy about it). I’m gonna be super pissed if we’re forced to sit through a season of Colton being a boring virgin when it could’ve been Jordan being funny and awesome. Not to mention the press surrounding ABC replacing Colton with Jordan would be BANANAS. Headlines everywhere. ABC loves drama, right? That’d be some mother fucking drama. Everybody hates Colton and and everybody loves Jordan. So make Jordan the Bachelor and everybody wins (including Colton because people are just gonna make fun of him on the internet all season).


Do it, ABC. Do it.