
I Just Shed A Tear. RG3 Is Back In The NFL Where He Belongs

We did it. Me and RG3 did it. We got him back into the league where he belongs. It is INSANE he wasn’t on an NFL roster last season. Every week, another terrible QB was signed while RG3 sat and waited. Well, he didn’t sit. He worked. He studied. He ran, threw, and worked some more. And after a very good preseason showing with the Ravens, our boy is back in the league.

I’ve long documented RG3’s career. Every up and down, storyline, drama, catch phrase, and everything in between. He was the most exciting rookie I’ve ever seen play. His career story arc has been a wild ride and he’s still only 28 years old with a career ahead of him. I don’t know what the future holds, but this is a good first step. RG3 is back on an NFL roster and only has Joe Flacco’s sinking career in front of him. A great day for all of us. A great day indeed.