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Dude Has A Heart Attack On His First Date With A Girl; They Have Their First Kiss Through Life-Saving CPR

HuffPo- A California couple had a memorable first kiss, one that saved the man’s life.

It happened last October, when 56-year-old Max Montgomery took Dr. Andi Traynor paddleboarding at a Santa Cruz beach.

Things were going well until Montgomery suddenly felt a burning sensation in his chest and became exhausted, according to San Francisco station KGO TV.

Luckily, Traynor, a 45-year-old anesthesiologist based in Palo Alto, knew CPR, which she performed until paramedics arrived to take him to a local hospital.

Montgomery’s heart was stopped for 17 minutes until doctors used a defibrillator on him.

The seriousness of the situation meant that their first kiss lacked romance, but Alexander Baker, who recorded the rescue, told KTLA that Montgomery is grateful it was caught on camera.

Best of all: The couple got a do-over on that first kiss.

“A few weeks after his surgery he was recuperating and we were on the beach just talking,” she said, according to The Daily Mail. “I said, ‘You can kiss me for real now.’” 

Savvy move from the veteran here. Induce a heart attack to get to first base. Straight out of Sandlot. The old “Squints-Can’t-Swim” maneuver. Do yourself a favor and refresh this scene from your childhood:

“Oh man, he’s in deep shit.”

Back to the standup paddleboarder– dude went down like a sack of potatoes. “I’d run 10.4 miles the night before. I had no idea I was going to have a heart attack.” Guy almost dies and he still needs to let everyone know, to the tenth of a mile, how far he runs. Classic endurance “athlete.” Maybe tone down the fitness a touch? You’re going too far man. You’re 56 and you’re dating a 45-year-old doctor, which is to your credit. Good to have a medical professional nearby when your heart is less reliable than Robin Williams as a father in Hook before he remembered that he’s Peter Pan. But dial back the smugness. We get it: when you exercise, you don’t stop until your heart does. But what happens when Andi’s not around to keep your brain alive while your heart sits out for TWENTY MINUTES?! Holy cow. Would love to know what he saw in that time.

You have to marry her though. They hadn’t even had sex yet, let alone kissed, and she saves his life with her mouth? Keeper. Most women won’t touch you until they’ve seen a checking account balance receipt. She went full face inflation for their first mouth-to-mouth connection. Lock it down, Max!