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A California High School Football Team Voted To Cancel The Rest Of Their Season After They Lost Their First Two Games By A Combined Score Of 102-0


Source- Healdsburg High School will not field a varsity football team for the remainder of the season after the team voted Monday night to disband the squad. The junior varsity team will continue to compete as scheduled. The Greyhounds had started the season 0-2 after being beaten 41-0 by Drake in the season opener Aug. 17 and 61-0 by Justin-Siena last week. Principal Bill Halliday described the mood on campus Tuesday as one of “disappointment.” “I’ve had a lot of conversations, a few surprised teachers, a few calls from parents,” he said.

Halliday said a number of factors contributed to the players’ decision, which he said was made by anonymous ballot. The varsity roster was 18 players deep at the start of the season, but after the first two lopsided losses of the season, five players turned in their uniforms. On Monday morning yet another player decided to quit. That is when head coach Dave Stine called a team meeting, Halliday said.

I’m sure there will be hardo Football Guy that will be outraged with this decision because you should never quit on your team and high school football is about overcoming adversity while learning life lessons like every school is something out of Friday Night Lights. But I say fuck that. High school football is about playing a sport you like while also hopefully getting noticed by girls and getting a bump in popularity. You know what gets you neither of those all-important high school perks? Having a roster so small that pretty much everyone is a 2-way player which leads to you getting your dick kicked in to the tune of 102-0. Choosing to have fun your junior/senior year instead of practicing after school only to get your shit pushed in on Friday night and actually hurting any chances they have to climb the social caste system of high school because you play for a team that is making the internet for the wrong reason is clearly the way to go.


You want to talk about life lessons? There is no greater life lesson than learning to quit at something you are completely and utterly not ready for as soon as possible. No need to prolong the inevitable and make yourself miserable just because it’s the honorable thing to do. If you are woefully undermanned, you should pull the plug and turn into the Grandpa Simpson gif ASAP.

Most people don’t learn that valuable life lesson until college or they enter the real world. Which is why I am saying these kids shouldn’t be mocked. They should be celebrated for being wise beyond their years. They didn’t quit on the season until they were outscored by triple digits without scoring a point over eight full quarters of the season. If that isn’t a bright flashing light that you should cuncel, I don’t know what is.