
NBA Summer Workout SZN: Dirk Nowitzki Edition

I couldn’t have said it better than Isaac did here. He’s right, this is the best summer workout video we’ve seen, and trust me I have the blog count to prove it. Many people are saying I have become a bit of an expert on these meaningless social media videos that don’t really tell you anything yet in reality tell you everything. The goal of this blog series is to be on the lookout for any little tidbit of what we can expect from a certain player for the upcoming season. Some provide more insight than others, and I think it’s safe to say that based on his video evidence, Mavs fans are in for a BIG 21st season from Dirk. One might wonder what more he could possibly show that we haven’t seen before, and it’s a shame the video cut out so soon because my mind is spinning.

This also reminded me of a blog that I wrote back in May when the hottest thing in the NBA Twitter streets was players showing the texts to their trainers to immediately get back to work once their season ended. Dirk’s was by far the best

Impossible to not love Dirk, just the absolute best. I was pumped when we learned he would be delaying his retirement just a little longer, and I for one cannot wait to see what he has up his sleeve next season. Also because it’s the end of the day, you’re welcome for this