
Throwback: Baltimore's Jimmy's Seafood Restaurant Went Scorched Earth On PETA And Anyone Else Who Dared Step To Them


Editor’s Note: With PETA being dragged across the Internet again, here’s a solid look at the last time they stepped out of line. Jimmy’s Seafood in Baltimore took them behind the woodshed.


Jimmy’s Seafood is known as being some of the best, if not THE best, seafood in Baltimore. They also apparently are not fans of PETA, particularly because PETA is putting up billboards around Baltimore telling people not to eat crabs.

Well…seeing how Jimmy’s is known for it’s crabcakes and other crab based meals, and PETA is encouraging people not to eat them, you could see how this could be a conflict of interest between the two parties.

So what did Jimmy’s do? They went after PETA in the most savage Twitter attack I’ve possibly ever seen. Even Adam C Best felt scared.

And so it began….

To be fair, point PETA. I don’t want to be boiled alive.

But Jimmy’s…they were ready.

And then they jumped into the mud.


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Oh dear.

They were going to ether anyone that came through their timeline.

Then just right in their faces, tweet after tweet after tweet:


And then, for the grand finale. Remember Kip Graham from earlier? Well, he wouldn’t relent. So….

“Or we’re going to serve you for brunch tomorrow” is without a doubt the meanest thing ever sent on Twitter.

So yeah. Jimmy’s went from 30k followers to 50k over the weekend, and became a hero to all crabcake lovers around the world.


Oh yeah. And then for no real reason, they murdered Zach LaVine. Ricochet shot like you read about.

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