

First ever mystery blog. Kind of exciting right? No headline. No real picture. We have no idea what this is gonna be about. Hell, I dont even know. Incredible. Is no bait the best click bait? Only time will tell. Just gonna keep on typing until I think of something! Man, this is wild.

Not as wild as my local mechanic’s shop. You see, I’ve been using this same shop for years. It’s nice! There’s a large fish tank in the back and RJ is a pretty nice fella. He shoots the shit with me while I’m waiting on them to finish up. He’s a stoolie and asks me about the goings-on around the ole blogging factory. I like RJ. Good dude.

Today I noticed that the mechanic’s shop put in a fountain drink machine. Can you believe that? Free too. You just walk up to that sonabitch, pick up a cup, smash the ice lever, fill your cup with ice to about 3/4 full, select the beverage you want, and watch carefully as your cup fills with the soda of your choice. Me? I went with a Dr. Pepper. It was crisp and tasted extremely fresh. I loved it!

Now, I know what you are thinking… yes. I am supposed to be on a diet. I’ve been doing much better with sugary beverages but when RJ asks if I wanted to try out the new soda fountain, what was I supposed to say? Cant say no in that situation. As I left the mechanic’s shop, I tossed the drink in the trash. It was still half full or half empty if you are a debbie downer head ass. Normally, I would have drank that thing down to the bottom. Today, I refrained.

Anyway, after leaving the shop, I headed to the bank and ran some other errands. I got home a little bit ago and felt like I needed to get just one more blog up today. I didnt have many ideas at first but then I thought, “damn… what about a mystery blog where I start out typing with no real goal in sight? I could possibly tell them about my local mechanic’s shop that I was just at. You see, I’ve been using this same shop for years. It’s nice! There’s a large fish tank in the back and RJ is a pretty nice fella. He shots the shit with me while I’m waiting on them to finish up. He’s a stoolie and asks me about the goings-on around the ole blogging factory. I like RJ. Good dude.

Today I noticed that the mechanic’s shop put in a fountain drink machine. Can you believe that? Free too. You just walk up to that sonabitch, pick up a cup, smash the ice lever, fill your cup with ice to about 3/4 full, select the beverage you want, and watch carefully as your cup fills with the soda of your choice. Me? I went with a Dr. Pepper. It was crisp and tasted extremely fresh. I loved it!”

Mystery blog. New franchise? You betcha.