Donald Trump On Iowa: "There's No Place With More Advanced Thought"
My guy Donnie! Love this guy. Always have. I’ve often talked about how great Donald Trump is. I always say that. I can’t stop saying it. People say to me all the time, “Trent, stop talking about how much you like Donald Trump. We’re sick of it” What can I say, he’s a fantastic leader who only makes good decisions and is great at Twitter. Those are my thoughts on 45. And then what does he go and do? He touches down in my home state and says that there’s no place with more advanced thought than Iowa. What does that mean? I have no fucking idea and neither does he but we’ll take it! Iowa is the place with the most advanced thought. It’s true because the leader of the free world said it. Done and done. Take it to the bank.
Did he say it just to make the people of Iowa like him more and will probably say it in Illinois when he’s there later today? No siree bub. Nope. He said it about Iowa cause he means it with his whole heart and mind. Iowans are better and smarter and better looking than every other person from every other state. Iowa is basically Wakanda according to Donnie T. Love it. Love my guy. Love my president.
Trump 2020 (and maybe forever)!