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Frank The Tank And Stu Feiner Just Absolutely Dominated The #ShiggyChallenge

Live look at the internet watching this video:

Drake may have made the song and Shiggy may have made the dance. But Frank The Tank and Stu Feiner made magic today and won the #ShiggyChallenge. I don’t know what the prize is or where they can collect it. But make no mistake about it, those two gentlemen won the challenge and the day. Never have these eyes seen such a beautiful display of elegance and grace mixed with raw sexual electricity. I was glued to my phone the entire time. The Source appearing from behind The Tank like a Russian nesting doll. Frankie Midnight holding his nose (safety first) while dipping underwater yet somehow not missing a beat despite being blinded by water when he re-emerged from the watery depths of Stu’s pool. And of course the modified seizure by both men to close out the video. Entertainment personified. Stu and Frank did not utter a word during that 47 seconds of pure magic, but they didn’t have to. Their moves said it all. Like I literally could hear Stu yelling at me about eating ass and picking winners as his arms flailed like a used car lot’s inflatable tube man. That’s talent, folks.

Frank told me he was going to do this video if Stu invited him over today when I was on Frank’s podcast earlier this week. It was almost like they were both in elementary school and Frank was waiting for Stu’s parents to greenlight a pool playdate with The Tank. If you don’t love the beautiful friendship that has blossomed between Frank The Tank and Stu Feiner, you flat out don’t love happiness or yourself. Best buddy comedy duo in the game.

And if Big Cat ever figures out how to make that Gif Shirt technology a reality, this is the first order I’m placing.