
Congrats To Velvet Milkman On Being Named Interim AD At Murray State

Velvet Milkman is quite possibly the strongest name for a human being I’ve ever seen. Right up there with the likes of Cassius Clay, Muhammad Ali, Max Hooper, Hercules Rockefeller, God Shammgod, and Weston Steelhammer. That’s right, Ali had two top five names. People don’t like to talk about the level of risk he took when he switched from Clay to Ali, but to say he knocked it out of the park would be a gross understatement.

As for Mrs. Milkman, Murray State just got an absolute weapon in their front office. When Velvet gets in your living room to recruit you to be a Racer it has to be the modern day equivalent to Bear Bryant calling to get you down to Bama. John Calipari and Nick Saban have to be furious that Murray State is now going to be digging deeper and deeper into the talent pool for all sports. I can’t imagine how sick they were when they saw The Milkman make the transition from head golf coach to the all-encompassing position of AD.

My only concern is that Murray State doesn’t truly see the vision with AD Milkman because as of right now she’s only just the interim. If the Racers ever want to be a true player in college athletics they need to do the right thing and fully commit, no pussyfooting or half-stepping is going to get you to the top of the mountain. Velvet Milkman can and will bring this progrum to new highs if given the full support from the Murray State boosters and school president. What they’re waiting for on their end, I have no idea, because before today no one in the world cared about Murray State Racer athletics (no offense to Popeye Jones). But with The Milkman at the helm? The sky is the limit.