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Some Chick Spent Her 4th Of July Shooting Fireworks At People And Buildings In Brooklyn

Now you’re in Newwwww Yorrrrrrk. Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, watch out for the crazy bitch shooting Roman Candlllllllles, or you may diiiiiiie! SOMEBODY clearly didn’t see JPP’s Instagram of his blown apart hand from back in the day. If the prices, the smells, the utter filth, and the crowds don’t break you down as a New Yorker, it’ll be the fucking idiot shooting fountains of fire at your during the 4th of July. One minute you are looking at 100 different Instagram stories of fireworks while deciding what you will get at the bodega, the next you are smack in the middle of recreating Goldberg’s wrestling entrance from back in the day.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing in the world I would like more than being able to shoot lightning from my hand like an X-Man. Well maybe being skinny would be nice. But 2nd on my list would be having a superpower like that. I’d love to fry a bad guy with some hand lightning like Storm or The Emperor. If we are being honest, I tried to do it three different times while writing this blog. But that shit is just reckless. Crazy by even New York’s sky high standards. I felt like there is probably a video of someone doing this in a subway car or a gas station, but nothing has been released yet. But give it time, because if New York has taught us anything, it’s that you can never underestimate the savagery of New York’s finest degenerates once the heat and the humidity get cooking during the summer.