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The John Starks Commercial About Going Undrafted That Aired During Last Night's NBA Draft Made Me Feel Things

In between Woj cucking the NBA and all the typical chaos that goes along with draft night, I have to admit I didn’t expect to get emotional during draft night. But those people at Anheuser Busch done did it again.

I know the 2nd official motto of Barstool Sports is No Free Ads, but the good folks at Bud Light did send me to Vegas before my life unofficially ended on April 6, 2018 and this commercial moved me to the point I think I finally forgave John Starks for his Game 7 nightmare from the 1994 NBA Finals. That, as well as the potential series-winning shot from Game 6 that was tippe by Hakeem Olajuwon, could be the closest I ever see the Knicks to a championship in my life. Whenever you say John Starks’ name, Game 7 is likely the first thing that pops in your head. Fair or not, it’s the truth. But that commercial reminded me how much that dude grinded to go from undrafted player to Madison Square Garden along with all the great memories that came with the threes, The Dunk. Oh yeah and the time he headbutted Reggie Miller. That was fucking AWESOME.

One little game that definitely prepared me for a life of heartache as a Knicks fan should not trump the entire career of one of my favorite players growing up. Starks was the epitome of those 90s Knicks teams that had heart, #grit, yet still did enough stupid shit at the worst possible moment to end up falling jusssssst short of their goal. I loved those teams and Starks as much as a fan could love a team and a player that ripped my heart out pretty much every year before falling into bolivian once Dickhead Dolan took over. But this commercial has put any anger to bed. Plus I’m pretty sure the NBA wiped that performance from the record books after the Rockets missed TWENTY SEVEN straight threes in a Game 7 played in the very same city a few weeks ago.