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Pornography Is The Reason That School Shootings Happen– Tennessee Rep. Diane Black

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USA Today- Rep. Diane Black, a Republican candidate to be the next Tennessee governor, said Tuesday that the decline of family support systems and the rise of pornography is the “root cause” of school shootings. 

“How many of you when you were in school ever had an experience where a kid came to school with a gun? . . . Never happened,” Black said during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tenn. The audio recording was shared by HuffPost.

“I think it’s deterioration of the family,” Black said. Citing the expression, “idle hands are the devil’s workshop…”

“Pornography, it’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she said. “All of this is available without parental guidance. And I think that is a big part of the root cause that we see so many young people that have mental illness get caught in these places.” 

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A father walks in on his son jerking off to porn. He says, “Son, you need to stop jerking off to porn, or else your mind will descend into mania and you’ll become obsessed with guns, which you’ll use on your classmates.” The son responds, “Ok dad, but you shot all my classmates yesterday!”

No? You haven’t heard that? Probably because it doesn’t make any sense. Nobody has ever jerked off to so much porn that the only natural next step was to go on a shooting rampage. I can only speak to my own porn preferences, but the only guns I’ve ever seen in porn were fake pistols in home invader scenes. “Please don’t take my earrings, Mr. Burglar! They were my sole inheritance from my dead grandmother. Is there any other way I can satisfy your criminal urges?”

Diane Black, you are out of touch. Pun intended. First off, NOBODY is buying grocery store magazine porn. Nobody! You sound like a politician decrying the terrors of smoking “marijuana plants” out of “water pipes.” Ten-year-old kids have smartphones and data plans and moving image porn at the touch of their tiny fingers. Gone are the days when you needed to post a lookout at the end of the magazine aisle so that you could grab the Playboy, flip open the foldout centerfold, commit the image to memory, and replace it on the shelf before mom came ’round with the cart. Boy, those were thrilling years. Heart pounding, palms sweating, boner bulging.

I do love it when these idiots open their squawkers to voice their preposterous theories. It’s the one time we can all get on the same side of the gun-control debate. Because it doesn’t matter if you’re the head of the NRA or Ralph Nader: everyone watches porn.

“The only thing that can stop a kid with a gun is a kid willing to share his Reality Kings password.” – me