
You'll Never Believe This But Tom Wilson Is Still A Scumbag

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It’s actually pretty impressive at this point. Tom Wilson has been a piece of shit his entire career. You can try to spin it anyway you want. You can say that the guys in the locker room love having him on the team. Uhhhhh yeah, no shit. Because if he was on any other team they’d all be getting their heads taken off by a rat bastard piece of shit. You can say that the only reason fans hate him is because he’s not on their favorite team and if he were, they’d all be wearing Wilson jerseys. Which, I don’t know, could probably be the case for some people and not the case for others. But regardless of what way you try to spin it and regardless of how his teammates feel about him… Tom Wilson is still a piece of shit and he continues to prove it time and time again.

After his 4-game suspension earlier these playoffs, Tom Wilson came out and said that he’s not going to change the way he plays the game just because he’s afraid of the consequences. A lot of people saw that quote and probably said to themselves ,“wow! What a great competitor! I love the intensity of this guy! Playoff hockey! He’s willing to lay it all on the line for this!”. But what I heard was a selfish bastard who is not willing or able to change his game to make sure that nobody is getting seriously injured out there. Tom Wilson is big and fast. That’s just a fact. But he’s not a great athlete. If he was, he’d be able to have the body control and the reaction time to make sure he doesn’t drill a dude with a blindside hit a full 2 seconds after he gets rid of the puck. And for anybody saying that Marchessault shouldn’t be admiring your pass, you also shouldn’t have to worry about getting clocked a full 2 seconds after passing the puck.

And what makes it even worse is the fact that Jonathan Marchessault has been so lights out so far these Stanley Cup Playoffs. There’s not a doubt in anybody’s mind that Tom Wilson saw the name on the back of the jersey there and decided he was going to take his shot to knock Marchessault out of the series. This is as predatory of a hit as they come. The intention is clearly there and you’re an absolute buffoon if you don’t think so. Marchessault has 8 goals and 19 points in 16 playoff games so far this year. You think that Tom Wilson doesn’t know that? You think Tom Wilson doesn’t think that knocking Marchessault out for at least the rest of the game would help the Capitals’ chances of winning the Cup? He knew exactly what he was doing, it was a late hit, and the fact that it was shoulder-to-shoulder doesn’t make it any better because it was still a blindside hit. But that’s just Tom Wilson for ya. Washington Capitals fans will continue to try to tell you that everybody is just jealous of him but the fact remains that he’s just a really big piece of garbage. And if the league isn’t going to do anything about it, at least Ryan Reaves can.
