
A Video Of An Entire Long Island Rail Road Car Singing "Piano Man" Went Viral Over The Weekend

I’ve never seen something reek of Long Island more than this. Mariah Carey, LL Cool J, Jerry Seinfeld, Alec Baldwin, Billy Crystal, Howard Stern, Marcus Stroman, and Kevin James having a roundtable discussion in the Jones Beach Theater parking lot whilst feasting on the likes of town bagels, pizza, and Ralph’s Italian Ices wouldn’t hold a candle to those folks’ experience on the LIRR. That’s the American Long Island Dream.

I mean I think I’d pay an extra $50 a month on my LIRR monthly pass if it guaranteed Billy Joel sing-alongs whenever I’m headed home a little inebriated- no questions asked. I imagine it would be almost impossible to miss your stop due to an unexpected slumber if you’re belting out the chorus of You May Be Right at the top of your lungs and you’ll have a hell of a time in the process. Color me shocked if that’s not the very definition of killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

The only downside to all this were that a few people tweeted at Julia Elbaba and complained about how awful this would be on a commute. If you feel that much anger towards a friendly Billy Joel sing-along on the LIRR, you best be getting off the train ASAP since there’s no stops that go near your shack under a bridge. Better yet you might as well just move away and save some dinero on the taxes…I hear those can be a killer.