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When You Hear Enter Sandman What Intro Do You Think Of; Virginia Tech or Mariano Rivera?

This was a question and argument I got into with some people over the weekend. When you hear Enter Sandman by Metallica, what sports entrance do you think of? Now, I know this will likely be skewed a bit due to the numerous Yankees fans that read the blog, but try to take that out.

To me, it’s Virginia Tech, which has the best intro in college sports. Yeah, Mo was great, whatever, but the one entrance that will always stick out to me is that 2003 game vs Miami. I remember watching that game and just seeing the crowd go nuts and outside of the 90s Bulls, it’s the one entrance I’ll always lean on when arguing about that topic.

Now, as for baseball, Mo coming out to Enter Sandman is the most known one. It also helps he’s the best closer in baseball history and plays for the most known franchise. But, this is something I sort of want to get into. I like these debates and am thinking of doing a weekly one between two things like this.

So which one wins here? Are you thinking of Mo Rivera walking out at Yankee Stadium or Virginia Tech coming through the tunnel at Lane Stadium?