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So What's The Mayo Policy At Most Sporting Events?


Before we even get going here, let me just say that I know there’s a damn good chance this ends up just being some sort of viral marketing campaign for a mayonnaise company. Whatever. The fact that these ladies are chowing down on some mayo at the game alone isn’t the topic here. Far be it from me to ever criticize anybody else’s eating habits. You can eat peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon. You can eat nutella out of the jar with a spoon. Who is to say that you can’t eat mayo out of the jar with a spoon? Granted, that means you or your family are probably from Pittsburgh. But I’m not gonna get up here and start calling this a pre-crime move or anything like that because then we’re heading down a slippery slope that I don’t want to go down.

All I’m curious about here is what’s the mayonnaise policy at the majority of sporting events? Is it BYO? Is it something that you can order off the secret menu at the concession stands? If you order a jar of mayo at the concession stand, is it marked up 10000% like everything else on the menu? Like did these chicks just drop $25 for a jar of mayo? Can you only get mayo at games? I’m more of an aioli kind of guy myself. Give me a nice sriracha aioli and I’ll eat that shit with my hands. If it’s just mayo then maybe we can at least zest it up a bit and get some chipotle mayo going. Is there a mayo cut off? Will they stop selling mayo after the 3rd quarter? There are just so many questions that need to be answered, regardless of if this is subliminal advertising or not.

By the way–quick little pro tip to all you boys and girls reading at home. You know how much drinking orange juice sucks after brushing your teeth? Well eating a spoonful of Nutella right after is like the complete opposite. Or maybe right after some mouthwash. Just get that mint chocolatey goodness going. You can even swallow the mouthwash, too, if you’re looking to get a little buzz on.
