
There Is A Thread Of The Craziest Vince McMahon Stories And They Are SPECTACULAR

Buckle up, buckaroos. Because this person Allan decided to put every crazy Vincent Kennedy McMahon story in one long Twitter thread and it’s a doozy. It’s funny, it’s scary, it’s weird, it’s a little bit of everything. Maybe you’ve heard a couple of them before, like how Vince hates sneezing or how he loves to wrestle the wrestlers, even Kurt Angle. And how he hates losing and is the most competitive person in the world, to the point he refuses to lose to his own face


or to world champion lifter Mark Henry.

I don’t know which one I love more, refusing to lose to his beard or trying to out-lift a world-champion weight lifter.

Also a great story about hating to lose:

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And stories about just not knowing the most basic things…like what in the world a burrito is.

Or that people were into Asian porn.


And finally, his absolute love of snow cones.

I recommend reading the whole thread. Great use of 20 minutes. Vince McMahon is an alien, completely outside of his mind. A genius, but an absolute crazy person.


PS: Remember when he had a storyline where his wife was senile and he would have an affair with Trish right in front of her? And when he made Trish get on all fours and bark like a dog? That was a wild, wildddd time.

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