
The Redskins Could Have Traded Trent Williams For A First Round Pick But Bruce Allen Was A Huge Prick About It So The Browns Told Him To Fuck Off


This is the Washington Redskins, folks. The only team that could have an offer on the table for Trent Williams, drag their feet for 6 weeks, and then scramble to move him at the deadline. That’s the Redskins. Not only are the fans fed up, the players fed up, and the media fed up, but the other teams and front offices in the league are fed up! That’s insane! Bruce Allen is such a piece of shit that the Browns front office is like “yo, fuck that guy”. Front offices around the league don’t even want to take his phone calls. Trent Williams is right there, sitting at home, gathering dust, and nobody can work out a trade with Bruce Allen because he’s such an asshole.

And that’s the Redskins organization. Not a shred of competency to be found. Impossible to deal with. And I’m not talking about the players or coaches. They’re doing their best. But remember, coaches don’t get to pick their own guys. Dan Snyder has had a hand in every draft, and Bruce Allen too, and neither are football minds. We don’t have a GM. Doug Williams was hired as a Snyder mouthpiece and figurehead. And everything is done out of ego, pettiness, and self-satisfaction without the betterment of the team in mind. Dan Snyder clearly does not care about winning football games. I think in his brain he believes he does, but his refusal to change quite literally anything proves otherwise. He does the same thing over and over and over again, and when it doesn’t work, just tries the exact same thing again. Whoever comes in as the new coach will meet the same fate as every coach before him. Nothing will change. We’re stuck in this never-ending spin cycle.

So good work Bruce. You’ve outdone yourself again. When the Browns front office makes you look like an idiot, that’s when you know something is very, very wrong. And he did it with ease. Bravo.

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