
ZBT #201: John Boehner

ROUND 1: Hey there Red, White & Beautiful — we found some of the WORST military dating profiles around and we’re gonna break ‘em down for ya. Listen in & who knows… maybe you’ll find your soul mate

ROUND 2: A veteran from PA went to D.C. thinking he was just there to tour the WWII memorial, but he ended up getting the surprise of a lifetime, and a medal that was a long time coming

ROUND 3: Pull back your recliner and light a cig. John Boehner has a lengthy chat with us and tells us some of his best stories.

ROUND 4: Maybe we really should be storming Area 51 because a member of Blink 182 got the Navy to confirm their existence. Say it ain’t so, there’s UFOs, take your pants off, they’ll give butt probes.