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CRIKEY!!! Australian Border Forces Find $1MM In Meth Going From Australia To Canada Disguised As Snow Globes


A deadly liquid form of ice has been found inside a shipment of harmless looking snow globes set for Sydney in a $1 million methamphetamine importation thwarted by Australian Border Force officers.

The watery-looking substance surrounding cute little lamas and sloth figurines in the seized globes was in fact liquid methamphetamine worth more than $1 million which had been air mailed from Canada.

“Drug importers are coming up with very imaginative ways to attempt to conceal drugs but don’t realise we have increasingly effective technology to detect illicit substances in all forms,” ABF regional CommanderDanielle Yannopoulos said.

Crikey!  You almost had em, you dirty little Australian buttholes.  Love the innovation here.  Whoever spearheaded this “meth water snow globe campaign” is a modern day Frank Lucas.  They just didn’t really use dead soldiers’ bodies to transport drugs, instead opted for something a little more discreet.  That’s whatever though – tomayto/tomahto.  Drug smuggling is drug smuggling is drug smuggling.  All that matters is getting drugs from A to B, or from the distributer to the user’s blood stream.  But that ain’t happening anymore because they got CAUGHT.  And someone is in BIG trouble.   Here’s a live look at what happened to whoever fucked this operation up:

Anyways the most shocking part of this story isn’t the transpacific smuggling of drugs…


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… it’s the fact that the drugs were going to Canada in the first place.  Meth is such a junk poor person drug.  Canada is supposed to be full of a bunch of nice, happy go lucky people that wouldn’t hurt a fly.  We’ve all seen Breaking Bad and the dude who digs the hole high on meth when Jesse comes knocking is exactly how I imagine meth heads.  Not Canadians.  And sending drugs that can be whipped up in any ol’ basement after a quick trip to Home Depot and Walgreens across the ocean doesn’t seem too efficient anyways, but if you told me there were drugs going from Australia to a third world country like The Dominican Republic, Haiti or Philadelphia I’d say “sure, that makes sense”.

But nope, not Canada.  It stinks.  It stinks to high heavens.