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Did Kyrie Irving Really Call Into A Boston Radio Show To Defend Himself? You Be The Judge

So this made the rounds yesterday and I can’t help but laugh. I can see some of the similarities in terms of cadence and if you listen closely it does sort of sound like Kyrie. It sounded like a guy who didn’t really know what he wanted to say because he was focused on changing his voice. To me the closest parts are around 20ish seconds in Beetle makes a good point, this does sound how I imagine Kyrie would sound if he was trying to disguise his voice. It’s also hilarious to think that he would call into a radio show and defend himself and sort of give his reasoning for leaving because that’s such a Kyrie move to make. Think about what we know. We know him and Kevin Durant are good friends, we know Kevin Durant isn’t shy when it comes to making burner accounts in order to defend himself, so maybe Kyrie took that method and went up a notch. Crazy? Maybe. Plausible? Definitely.


It’s also not all that surprising that Kyrie would want to punch back at all the fans who have been shitting on him since it became clear he was leaving the Celtics which was the first domino to this whole “re-tool”. Given all the flack he’s received since he laid an egg in the playoffs and seemed to do more harm than good you can’t entirely rule it out. I mean what are the odds that Mikey in Waltham is the one person in Boston who still feels this way about Kyrie. You get the sense that the fanbase is ready to turn the page and nobody is really crying over him leaving. You know there’s no way Kyrie can say what he really feels about Celtics fans without pretending to be someone else and go on the radio and slam them.

Deep down, as much as I truly want to believe this was really Kyrie because holy shit would that be the greatest story ever, I can’t. Logic and reason are preventing me from fully buying in. Unless we get some sort of leak from whatever number dialed into the show and it’s traced back to something with Kyrie ties, I’m afraid we’re just going to have to keep this as a funny internet conspiracy.

Admit though, it does sneaky sound like him.