
Curt Schilling Went On Kirk And Callahan To Talk About How You Can Say Young Girls Are Beautiful. Or Something, I Don't Really Know.


This morning

So this morning’s appearance on Kirk and Callahan (shoutout to Curt for saying fuck and shit on radio) was something in response to what he said on Fox yesterday. Using context clues I think Tomase wrote/said something about him as well, but I’ll be perfectly honest I’m not even sure where to read Tomase so I missed that and don’t really have the energy to go looking for it. It is Friday, after all. But we can assume Curt didn’t like Tomase perhaps implying that he’s a pedophile. That’s clear.

Anyway, I think Curt Schilling is a total lunatic, but I get what he’s saying here to an extent. Yeah, you can tell a parent that their child is pretty or handsome or gorgeous or whatever adjective you prefer. But you can’t tell a parent that you’re going to date their kid in ten years. I don’t understand how it’s any more difficult to understand than that. “Oh wow what a gorgeous child”? That’s totally fine. “Oh wow what a gorgeous child, can’t wait to fuck it in a decade”? Creepy. I mean that’s as black and white as it gets. Don’t imply a relationship and you can compliment the parents for having some super sweet genes. Anything more than that and we get into the creepy old man who probably shouldn’t be president category.

PS – I fucking laughed out loud when Curt said “nonflict” then thought he was so goddamn brilliant that he had to explain what that word meant. Hey dude, you’re not fucking Shakespeare over here inventing brand new words, you took two and combined them. I’m not a sexy child so I could keep up. But I guess that explains a lot about Curt’s psyche: he thinks he’s so much smarter than everyone that he’s gotta explain the mental process step-by-step when in reality he’s a pre-schooler getting a high five because he realized “non” and “con” rhyme.

PPS – Curt. Woof.

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