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Boxer's Son Punches His Dad's Opponent In The Dick While He's Weighing In

Before the boxing hardos get on me for this, yes, I know who these boxers are. Billy Joe Saunders and Willie Monroe Jr. Boom roasted. It’s not about them, though, so they weren’t in my headline. This is about the relationship between a father and a son.

I love this little kid. Ride or fuckin’ die, taking “My dad could beat up your dad” to a whole new level. If Willie didn’t hit him with a head rub, I think I’d feel differently. I’d say that kid was a little shit. He probably is, because he was practically winding that punch up for an hour, but after the head rub, it was justified. The only thing he did wrong was miss. He was a good six inches away from shaft and balls contact, and in that high pressure situation, you have to make contact. The kick as security dragged him away was laugh out loud funny, too, because the kid was smiling knowing nobody could actually do anything to him.


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If I’m Billy Joe Saunders, though, I’m embarrassed AF.