
The Sister Jean Press Conference vs. The Loyola Basketball Team Press Conference Is Hilarious

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Sister Jean is a star.  No doubt about it.  I’ll never fault anyone for their star power.  Not me.  If you draw a crowd you draw a crowd.  It’s not your fault you’re so electric.  However I will just say that if Sister Jean cares as much about the Loyola basketball team as she claims to, she would respectfully bow out from further publicity events like this.  Kind of like how Eminem watched his daughter’s graduation from a back room of the high school so he didn’t overshadow her.  Because I’m an amateur psychologist and I know that seeing a sight like this:

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for your Final Four media availability is gonna rattle you a bit.   Just saying.  Wouldn’t want Sister Jean to be depicted as a glory hog or anything.  It’s a fair point.