
Summer Squeeze Out: There's A Former Big Man On Campus Who Might Be Returning To Barstool Sports

So Dave came back to the NYC office, home of Barstool Comedy, and Nate, and immediately went to talk to our Lord in Picks Bosco about a potential return for a big man on campus. We aren't going to name names here, but if you want a hint, he's a mob obsessed Italian living in Amish country in PA. He also can't stop giving winners in the NBA playoffs (12-2 overall). Again, no names.

All I can say here is that this is the classic example of a summer squeeze out of an employee who has been here for multiple presidencies. Fortunately for all of us, that means more content and there's never a more involved Dave than one who can do the same song and dance we've seen for years. And unfortunately for me, I happen to sit in the spot where the famed deliciously real vodka and real fruit juice High Noon can was thrown, so you may not see another blog out of me if Dave ends up hiring back the Big Man.

P.S. I wrote this blog and 5 minutes later Bosco had an all-time meltdown