
'The Naked Gun' Reboot Is Happening Next Summer Starring Liam Neeson, With Seth MacFarlane And Lonely Island’s Akiva Schaffer Running The Show

Almost anytime we hear about a reboot it comes with a roll of the eyes and a grown. White Man Can't Jump, The Mummy, and Total Recall come to mind as some recent disasters. If you're gonna try and recreate that sorta magic you can't fall that short. So when you hear they're trying to run back Naked Gun, there's understandably gonna be some outrage. 

(Vulture) Liam Neeson is getting silly in a new reboot of the Naked Gun series. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the police-procedural spoof will be directed by the Lonely Island’s Akiva Schaffer and produced in part by Seth MacFarlane. Dan Gregor and Doug Mand (Chip ’n Dale: Rescue Rangers) wrote the script.

A reboot of the series was previously attempted by Office star Ed Helms, but it never made it to the screen. Presumably, the new version has been tailored to Neeson’s particular skill set. This currently untitled story from the files of Police Squad comes to theaters on July 28, 2025.

Now before we go any further let's get one thing out in the open. Growing up I couldn't believe that Liam Neeson and Leslie Nielson were two different people. I fucked that up constantly. The amount of times I'd say Liam Nielson or Leslie Neeson was too many for my liking. You have to keep these things simple for my brain and that's not simple. 

My initial reaction to all this is obviously why on Earth are we messing with the Naked Gun movies? I recently watched them back on MAX and had an absolute blast. Just laugh after laugh. Leslie Nielson was born to be Detective Frank Drebin. Interesting enough though, Nielson was a dramatic actor before he took on that role. So that makes me think Liam Neeson can actually crush this as Frank Jr. 

Akiva Schaffer and Seth MacFarlane running the show also gives me hope this won't be a disaster. 

Neeson has shown in the past he can dabble in this sort of thing. His improvisational comedy bit on Life's Too Short was incredible. 

Same goes for his Ted 2 cameo at the cash register. 

I think for the first time in a while there's a reboot being made that I don't actually believe will be a waste of time. Fingers crossed for next summer. 

P.S. One of the bigger questions remaining is who gets to play Nordberg's son. Antonio Brown feels too obvious. I know Travis Kelce wants to get into movies and all that, but that wouldn't bode well for Taylor's future. Who knows where they go here, but I'll leave that to the big heads to decide.