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"I'm CHOSEN!" - With No NBA Games Last Night, LeBron Took To Twitter To Talk All His Shit

Megan Briggs. Getty Images.

With no NBA games on last night, everyone has a little more time on their hands. Maybe you're spending this new found time watching other sports. Maybe you're taking the time to knock out some house chores. For example. I always find opportunities like Tuesday perfect for throwing on a podcast and cleaning my floors. Nothing better than your house immediately following cleaning your floors in my opinion.

Anyway, the point is there's a plethora of things you could do to get through Tuesday night until NBA games are back in our lives again tomorrow. If you're LeBron, that means going on Twitter and talking your shit


Alright, there's a lot to digest here. For starters, he's quote tweeting and confirming a quote....he gave about himself? Right off the bat we're off to a crazy start. It's not like someone was doubting him. He already said this. That's Part 1.

Part 2 is the CHOSEN drop. I'd hate on this but when you get called The Chosen One by SI when you're in high school and then you turn out to be LeBron James, I have no choice but to concede. A real humble moment for LeBron of course, but I can't sit here and tell you he didn't live up to the nickname.

Part 3 is the best part. The admission that he basically had to ring chase down in MIA. That Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett bullied him so badly that he had to go form a superteam to beat them. We always knew this to be true, but it was nice of LeBron to confirm it. He needed to superteam to win his multiple rings, his words, not mine. He's also not lying. That's what makes this so annoying. I once again have to agree with LeBron. Is that dare I say, some self awareness? God dammit. It's also true how he has been dominant since the second he stepped on an NBA court. As much as I'd like to fight against that, the numbers and longevity don't lie. 

I think we can all agree it's a pretty outrageous tweet when you put all the parts together, but it's hard to find where he's lying and this is a dude that LOVES lying.

With nothing else to do of course things didn't stop there. Earlier today we learned about the Lakers crying to the NBA like a bunch of babies because they aren't getting every call under the sun

Ignore the reality that last season the Lakers had the biggest FTA discrepancy by about 50,000 FTs, when will they ever get a fair whistle? Poor babies. Even if this is something pretty much every NBA team does and it happens all the time, we don't exactly hear about it all the time. Only crybabies put out stuff like this


So with this already out in the public eye, what do we think the next move is? You guessed it, time for LeBron to put it out on socials how fucked up he thinks it is so he can further help his future whistle

A sad, but strategic move from the crafty vet. Unfortunately for me, I one again find myself agreeing with LeBron. What the fuck is going on right now? I agree that the NBA has a gigantic officiating problem that shows itself in essentially every game that happens. Up and down the league NBA refs are getting worse and worse. It's a disaster. I also agree that bad calls don't just happen in the final 2 minutes. Just because the NBA is a bunch of cowards and only puts out the L2M that covers the final two minutes does not mean their bonehead officials aren't fucking up well before that time in ways that impact the game. So sadly, I have to side with LeBron there too.

See, this is why we can't have nights during the NBA season that don't have NBA basketball. Here I was just minding my own business waiting until the Celts play tomorrow night and now here I am taking the side of LeBron James on multiple topics. Adam Silver, you will pay for this.