
Jason Kelce All But Confirms His Brother And Taylor Swift Are Hanging Out, Saying "Trav Is Having Fun"

Are Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift an item? The NFL superstar's older brother wouldn't spill the beans on Thursday night -- though he did give a hint that suggested there might be at least some truth to the rumors.

Just after Jason Kelce and the Eagles whooped up on the Minnesota Vikings in Philadelphia ... the star center and his quarterback, Jalen Hurts, hit the Amazon Prime postgame set for what they thought would be some football talk.

A short time into the conversation, though, Hall of Famer Tony Gonzalez brought up Jason's brother's love life.

"Ever since 'Catching Kelce,' everybody's been infatuated with Travis' love life," Jason said. "So, I don't really know what's going on there. So, yeah, I know Trav is having fun. We'll see what happens with whoever he ends up with."

Fuck. Okay, well, here we go! I'm so conflicted on this whole thing. I know Dave and Gia both have generally good or neutral feelings about Travis Kelce, and maybe I got the wrong read on him in the beginning. People tend to agree with me about him being a showboater and generally obnoxious, but I have yet to hear about him being an actually bad dude.

I know people get weird about who celebrities date, and I want it on record that it's obviously none of mine, or anyone else's business who Taylor Swift dates. But, we're all just having fun here! It's "let your hair down and date a football player fall!" We're gossiping and speculating and doing what we do best, getting involved in other people's business! 

I still have a few concerns with Travis, though, and his brother nailed one of them on the head. The fact he HAD A DATING SHOW. I don't want to pump myself up too high but, I'd say as a viewer, I'm a dating show expert. I know the kind of people that go on, and...hold onto your seat...they're not always in it for love. Sometimes, they're even in it for...FAME! I know. It's hard to comprehend that such monsters exist in the world today but, that is the reality. Taylor Swift is extremely famous, wouldn't you say? Would you also say that Travis Kelce wants badly to BE famous, outside of his stellar NFL career? I'd venture a yes! See: he has a podcast. 

While I think a little bit of PR fun is happening here, another piece of that TMZ article says that Jason Kelce originally smiled and avoided the question about Taylor, which I think its the most telling of all. Everyone loves a little publicity, but sweet angel from heaven Jason Kelce isn't in this for fame. He loves his family, he loves his brother, and he probably LOVES the idea of Eagles Fan Taylor Swift being a part of the crew. Who wouldn't? In my eyes, that's confirmation. They've hung out, she's met his brother at the very least, and they're all loving the silly speculation. 

We will see what happens. All I know, is that Travis Kelce better be on his best fucking behavior, because now we're all watching.