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Fashion Blog: Spring Dresses Are IN!


I used to do fashion blogs all the time on this here website. And by fashion blogs I obviously mean I would scroll IG, see some hot babe wearing something that took my breath away, and then slap it on this here website for all to see. I guess you could say I'm basically Robin Hood. If I saw something, everyone saw something. But then I sorta gravitated away from the fashion blogs. I thought they were good for what they were, but I unfollowed most IG models and found god. No, that's a lie. But I did unfollow most because after seeing the same shit over and over and over again I realized they were doing nothing for my life whatsoever, and I really got tired of seeing the new flavor of Bang Energy Drink. 

But today...today is a new day. I saw that dress and I had to share it with my internet friends. Now, mind you, I'm still a professional and this is a FASHION BLOG so please only look at it with a keen eye. Fashion is like art- it must be respected and it will respect you back. Let us hope this style of dress is the spring style we've been waiting for. Namaste.



Previously in fashion blogs:





We have fun here. 


PS: Also in this season, Cowboy Chic.

