
I Don't Know If The Washington Football Team Currently Has A Single Fan


It's been a tough, tough week for fans of the Washington Football Team. Well, it's been a tough 20 some odd years, but an especially tough week. To recap, they announced last Thursday they were going to retire Sean Taylor's number on Sunday, giving fans all of 3 days notice to go see a ceremony for perhaps the most beloved player in franchise history. The ceremony itself was a complete gong show, a minute long presentation that included no planning nor thought.



And all the while, team president Jason Wright has been straight up lying to the fanbase, saying this had been in planning for MONTHS. He also said "We thought that saving the news for a game week reveal was the best way to focus the message on Sean and his legacy. We didn't realize that so many of you wanted to make a trip to FedExField to be present for this moment -- a true lack of understanding of what you, the lifeblood of this franchise, needed to mourn our collective loss and celebrate Sean's legacy." which is perhaps the most preposterous lie ever told. "We didn't think fans would want to go to the SEAN TAYLOR jersey retirement ceremony" is the worst spin zone/lie ever spoken. Just absolute hose shit out of Jason's mouth. 

I'm furious at Jason, as is the entire fan base, or what once was the fan base. We knew Dan was already a piece of shit. But Jason sold us on "I'm here to turn things around, to make us a real football team, to chance the culture" and he has fallen right in line with the rest of the front office, becoming a yes-man for Dan Snyder and lying on his behalf. 

So the culmination of 2 decades of losing, of Dan Snyder ownership, of being treated like absolute shit by the franchise, and then this Sean Taylor disrespect tour is people are just done with the team. I got more tweets like this yesterday than ever, and we have seen some bad, badddddd seasons, decisions, and embarrassing moments:








I don't know if they realize quite how bad it is. People are done. And how do they even turn it around? Jason was supposed to be the guy who turned it around, but now he has completely lost the trust of the entire fan base. Snyder owns 100% of the franchise, his wife is the CEO, and Ron Rivera can't win a football game to save his life. There is no clear path to turning it around. Jason Wright's "good guy" routine didn't even last a season before he became the new Bruce Allen. And to his credit, I always thought he was a good guy. We DM'd and chatted and he seemed like he had a clear vision, but when the boss Dan Snyder says "retire Sean's number on 3 days notice and lie to the fans about it", you look at your bank account and you do it. That's what Jason signed up for, and I don't know why we were dumb enough to think it would be any different. 

I have not a clue who is still left as a fan of this team. I don't know why I would bother watching week in and week out like I always have. What sucks is I like the players- I love Terry, Chase, Cam, AG, and a bunch of the guys. I love watching football. And Washington will always be "my team", but it's impossible to support them right now. For the people who still go to games, god bless ya, but I will never understand it. Order some nachos and sit at home and enjoy the comfort of your couch. Instead of buying a jersey buy a pair of Jordans. And if you gotta take the wifey apple picking on a Sunday, it's better than watching the WFT lose by 30. Plus maybe you guys will do it after 😎 .

I don't know what the future holds for Jason, but it's very clear nothing has or will change with this team and this is possibly the lowest the fan base has ever been, which is probably something I've typed 25 times in the last 8 years, but it is somehow true every time. What they have done over the last week is absolutely putrid. Pathetic. As slimy and scummy as it gets. Fuck Dan Snyder forever. Go Caps.
