
If at first you don’t succeed….try try again


After this preview video, things did not go as planned for The Destroyer in Day 1A of the WSOP $1500 Millionaire Maker yesterday.

Players started the massive tournament (over $1 million to 1st!) with 25,000 chips. I was seated at a soft table too and liked my spot.

A couple of hours in, I raised 1200 with pocket Queens at 500bb level from early position. Two players called then a spazzy player on button made it 8100.

I shoved all in for 26,500 as I was sure he was making a move trying to pick up the money in the pot. He thought about it for a minute and called me with A9 of Hearts. I guess he was thinking….. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking?!?!?!

Flop came 1097. I was day dreaming about having near 60,000 chips at weak table when another 9 peeled off on the turn and I was out the door. Easy come, easy go. Tournament poker. I then went to think stuff over with a pedicure.



The Destroyer treats himself.

Luckily for me, today is Day 1B of the $1500 Millionaire Maker and I am firing. If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.

I am 2 for 5 cashing WSOP Events on this trip. Time to get vengeance!

It’s Gonna Be A Great Saturday!