
Dave Took Shots At MULTIPLE Employees On Tonight's Stream

About 30 minutes ago, I blogged that Playboy Marty got KOd by Dave. I failed to mention in that blog that he wasn't the only one that took some shots from Dave. It was old school Dave. Barstool Radio Dave. Felt like it was 4-6 PM. Below is close to a 3-minute video of Dave coming for everyone.

Here is everyone mentioned:

-Jeff D Lowe....who was there. "He thinks he is untouchable."

-All Business Pete....we have DirecTV, which cuts out when there is a storm. Dave blamed ABP for this. "That fucking loser."

-Rico...."God knows where he is"

-Gaz....."in my house/Nantucket for a month straight."

-Playboy Marty......who dave referred to as "Playoff Marty." 

-The Short Porch...."that whole group, they are such losers."

-Big Ev......"I feel like I saw Big Ev at the Jersey Shore House. Haven't seen his face around here for 6 months.....hasn't written a blog in 2 years.

-Dana....."how dumb is he" for taking a photo of a competitive vodka. Whitney roasted him: