
Ron Jeremy, the GOAT of Adult Films, is Charged with Sexually Assaulting Four Woman

Source - Ron Jeremy, one of the most iconic figures in the adult entertainment industry, has been charged with sexually assaulting four women in West Hollywood since 2014, prosecutors said Tuesday.

Jeremy, whose legal name is Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, was charged with forcible rape,forcible oral copulation and sexual battery, according to a news release from the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. 

Prosecutors allege Jeremy attacked a 25-year-old woman at a West Hollywood home in 2014. Prosecutors also accused Jeremy of sexually assaulting two women at a West Hollywood bar in 2017 and raping a woman at the same bar in July 2019. ...

In total, Jeremy faces three counts of forcible rape, two counts of sexual penetration by force, two counts of sexual battery  and one count of forcible oral copulation, according to the criminal complaint. He faces up to 90 years in prison if convicted as charged, according to prosecutors, who said they would  seek upwards of $6 million bail during a court hearing Tuesday afternoon.

Even while I cover what I'm about to say in a thick blanket of "accused" and "alledgedly," just out of a responsibility to not convict anyone before they're found guilty, this is a terrible shock to the system. Just hearing a national icon like Ron Jeremy accused of such heinous things is really tough to take. 

I mean, a quick check of Barstool shows that he was mentioned just last month, in one of those feel-good, positive stories that put a smile on your face during tough times. 

I mean that one felt almost like the sort of thing you get on a morning show, talked about among the cohosts while they sip from their coffee mugs to get your day off to a bright start. And in it, Liz reminded us of what it was about the man that made him a national treasure:

And Ron Jeremy isn't just any ol' pro - he's THE pro. In fact, if practice makes perfect, then no other professional is better than him because no one has appeared in more adult films (over 2,220) than Jeremy. His appearances are quite literally historical as they're forever engraved in the Guinness Book Of World Records. Now, I don't know how long it takes to film a porno, but I think it's safe to say he has spent over 10,000 hours of his life in some sort of sexual escapade, making him a world-class sexpert even by Malcolm Gladwell's steep standards.

And now, that reputation is tarnished forever. For men of a certain age [slowly raise hand], finding out he is being accused of assaulting women in bars is what it was like for fans of family sitcoms to hear Bill Cosby was into slipping rufies to young actresses who came to him for advice or a morning TV fan to find out Matt Lauer had a rape button under his desk. At least with Harvey Weinstein, it had been out there. The allegations he got convicted on were nauseating and outrageous, but one thing they were not were surprising. 

This is. A huge surprise, even as we find out there was an accusation years ago that never went anywhere because of a lack of evidence. The Clown Prince of Porn, the Hedgehog, as he's long been referred to throughout the industry, came across on camera as the porn star's porn star. A generous performer who didn't hog the camera or feel the need to have all the best lines. The actor who brought the best out in his co-workers in an environment of cooperation. Because in the long run, all that mattered was doing good work. 

I repeat, allegedly that might all have been a lie. A possible lie perpetrated on a worldwide audience of fans. Only time and the Los Angeles County justice system will tell. 2020 just keeps finding new ways to get worse.