
Some Motherfucker Drove A Car Onto The Field Of Dreams And Caused Thousands Of Dollars In Damages

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(ABC News) — A vandal has caused thousands of dollars in damage to the Field of Dreams by driving a vehicle onto the site made famous by the 1989 movie. The Dubuque Telegraph Herald reports that workers at the site outside Dyersville found the damage Tuesday morning and were still assessing the costs and needed repairs. Owner Denise Stillman says a vehicle made deep gashes in the outfield and damaged a sprinkler system. The damage was especially severe because the ground was soft following warm weather and rain. Stillman says repairs will continue through the summer but that the field will remain open. Thousands visit the eastern Iowa field for free, running around the bases and walking to the surrounding cornfields. It was created for the movie “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner.

I want that son of a bitch dead. I want you to get this fuck where he BREATHES! I want you to find this Nancy boy Eliot Ness. I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES! Find me this lacrosse-playing, cut from JV baseball freshman year, tank top with Ray Bans-wearing piece of shit pipsqueak so that he can pay for his crimes against humanity. I wanna rip his spine out through his throat and shove it up his ass and then back out of his eyes. Welcome to Iowa, motherfucker. We don’t take kindly to the desecration of hallowed baseball ground. I want to put this Steve McQueen wannabe candy ass bitch in a killing machine from one of the Saw movies that’s rigged to shred your body into a million pieces no matter what you do, and set it up in the middle of the Field of Dreams for every baseball fan to see. If you build it, they will come. Oh, they will come, Ray.
