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The War On #AssEatinSzn: Florida Man ARRESTED For Refusing To Remove His "I EAT ASS" Bumper Sticker

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FOX NEWS – A Florida man was arrested over the weekend for refusing to remove a sticker from his vehicle’s window that crudely described a person’s sexual appetites.

**checks surroundings**

**logs on to Google Maps**

Um…this is still America right?  We’re in America?  We haven’t removed Florida from America yet?

Those questions are rhetorical. We ARE in America – something that somebody needs to remind the Florida Police of.

Dillon Shane Webb, 23, was charged with misdemeanor counts of violating Florida’s obscenity law and resisting an officer without violence, a Columbia County Sheriff’s Office report said. The sticker read, “I eat a–,” according to the arrest report.

The land of the free my ass – my ass that I should be free to have eaten whenever I damn well please. And I should be able to TELL everyone I want my ass eaten, whenever and wherever I want, because I’m an AMERICAN where we have a CONSTITUTION with a FIRST AMENDMENT – ever heard of it? Dillon will explain it to you:

When told the reason for the stop, Webb told the deputy, “They’re just words.” Webb told the Associated Press the deputy seemed to be angry from the start of the traffic stop. He said he had the sticker on his truck for less than a week before he was stopped by the deputy.

He told the Associated Press he plans to fight the charges and defend his First Amendment right to free speech.

“I’m tired of police forces thinking they are above the Constitution, the Bill of Rights,” Webb said, adding that he wasn’t aware of the state’s obscenity law. He said he could see why the sticker would be seen as vulgar by some but the law doesn’t really define what that is.

Go off King!!!

Sick and tired of police thinking the Constitution doesn’t apply to them.  The Founders of this great country did not fight a war for their freedom and draft a document of supreme law for the republic only to see it trampled on by ripping I EAT ASS bumper stickers off ’97 Honda Accords.


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We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, eat ass, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America and for #AssEatinSzn.