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How's Your Sex Life? Flume Ate His Girlfriend's Ass On Stage At Burning Man This Weekend

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The Eat Ass movement is still chugging along full speed ahead. So much so we’re doing it in front of thousands of people. Not a bad gig being a DJ these days. Fucking scrawny Zedd was seeing Olivia Culpo for a minute. Now Flume is pulling off this stunt. That’s the cheat code in life. Remix some really good songs, hit play, and watch millions of people knight you as a god once you hit play.

I can barely work up the courage to ask a girl if she wants a drink at the bar. Flume is out here eating out his girlfriend’s ass on stage at Burning Man. Confidence is king in this world. Safe to say some people live different lives than us huh?


This all started because someone held up a white board in the crowd that said “Eat Ass”

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We made a white board totem because we thought it would be fun to write notes and heckle DJs because it’s Burning Man. Flume was an amazing sport, we didn’t just get him to eat ass, we also got him to take his shirt off, take a shot, motorboat his girlfriend and we even got the girls on the art car to have a twerk off. We had been using the whiteboard all week, but definitely got the best reaction from Flume. Everyone around us was loving the white board and also wrote him notes. -Pedestrian TV

Yeah, I think it’s safe to say you got the “best reaction” from Flume. These fans basically ran Burning Man with a fucking white board. What a world.

Here’s Flume’s girlfriend, Paige Elkington. She seems like a fun time. You think you’re having a rough day back at work from Labor Day. Just picture yourself being Paige’s father.

