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Drunk LSU Girl Gets Taken On $276.57 Uber Ride To Go 1.4 Miles

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What the trip should have been:

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Man, as an Uber driver your eyes have got to light up when you’re working a college town for the night and you pick up a drunk college kid. Pretend you’re entering the destination in the GPS but you’re really texting the wife, telling her to make a res at your favorite place and to wear something nice, you’re about to make a huge wad of cash. Just need to drive in a circle for a little bit then meet you there. I mean there’s just no easier mark for a driver than a wasted 18 year old trying to get home from the bar, face buried in Instagram, Snapchatting dog filter faces to your Story, group texting about how fucked up you are. Next thing you know you look up and wow, you’re home, that was quick. Meanwhile fucking Bryant is about to go order the Surf and Turf.

Also –


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