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Australian Bros Figured Out A Software Glitch To Get Free McDonalds Hamburgers


The Master Plan:

Customize the order to get 10 “pattyless” burgers (taking $1.10 off each)


Add one regular burger


View the order and choose “take away”


Free Mickey Ds.

People are really down on the younger generations and worried about the future of humanity – sometimes exaggerated, sometimes for good reason.  But this should give you, me, and everyone hope and inspiration.  We’re gonna be ok.

If Matthias and his buddy can combine their brainpower and utilize their software skills to get a free hamburger, you got to imagine the cure for cancer isn’t far behind.


Saw this comment in the Reddit thread, feel like a responsible citizen out there should report this girl for pre-crime.

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Touchscreen fast food ordering is so dope.  I’m not ashamed to say that after 12 pizza and pasta meals in Rome, I found a cozy McDonalds, touchscreen ordered like 4 value meals, sat down, had it served to me, and enjoyed one of the best meals of my life.  Unfortunately I wasn’t smart enough to get it for free.  That shit was like 50 euro.