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A Security Guard Took On A Knife Wielding Man With His Nunchucks And Won.


Fox NewsAn Oklahoma City security guard used nunchucks to take down a man who was armed with two steak knives last week, police said.

Oklahoma City police were called to a report of a disturbance at an apartment complex on June 8 and when officers arrived they discovered that a security guard was holding Jerome Thompson, 31, on the ground, according to FOX OKC.

Thompson told police that he was working to hand out pamphlets at the apartment complex before the incident with the security guard. The guard told officers that Thompson was banned from the place.

The man had been staying with residents at the complex and was having drug issues, according to OKC FOX. The guard told police that he noticed Thompson was coming at him with the knives while he was delivering the pamphlets. Thompson allegedly told the guard he wasn’t leaving and that he was going to kill him.

The guard pulled out the nunchucks and struck Thompson as he was charging, according to the station. The guard was able to hold Thompson down while bystanders called the police.

Another banger of a story for this glorious Friday! I can’t imagine a bigger adrenaline rush than seeing a man charging you with knives, whipping out your nunchucks and giving him a good, old-fashioned, vaguely Asian beatdown.

I love the idea of not giving security guards guns too. I mean they don’t need all that power and responsibility when they’re clearly capable of defending themselves and others with nunchuck skills and karate expertise. I know it’s our right as citizens of the greatest country on earth to carry assault weapons and take candid pictures walking around our college campus so we can go viral on Instagram, but putting a gun in the hands of a security guard who will surely abuse his power just seems like too big of a risk to take at this point.


They say the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a knife, but whoever said that must not have ever watched the Ninja Turtles, because after reading this story, it’s clear all our good guys need is two black pieces of cylindrical metal held together by a small chord of chain.

Unfortunately for Jerome Thompson, I’m sure his buddies are gonna give hit a lot of shit for losing a knife fight to a Kevin James-wannabe security guard using a pair of nunchucks. That’s just not what you’re looking for if you’re tryna establish any sort of street cred. Real tough look for Jerome Thompson. I’m sure he’ll bounce back in 5-10 years once he get’s out of jail. Everyone loves a redemption story.