
I Can Always Appreciate A Good Spring Training Fuck Up

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Not even close, bro. But I appreciate you, for real, because it’s REALLY hard to come up with baseball highlights that are worth sharing during spring training. Home runs are cool, but half of them are being hit by players that nobody’s ever heard of off of pitchers that nobody’s ever heard of, either. Nobody cares about wins and losses, so walk-off wins couldn’t be less exciting. Defensive web gems are a rarity, because nobody really gives a shit yet. And the statistics don’t actually mean anything, so you’re wasting your breath discussing those. But being positioned for a fly ball a good hundred feet away from where the ball actually lands is high comedy, and I will never not laugh at something like that. So here’s to you, Hyun Soo Kim, and a hat-tip to the blindingly bright sun in Sarasota, Florida.