
Mike Tyson Now Has A Soulja Boy Diss Video With Big Assed Model Chicks To Promote The Fight With Chris Brown

What a world we’re living in. Mike Tyson is releasing diss tracks to promote fights where he’s training a domestic abusing R&B singer to fight a mostly irrelevant rapper. But for as hokey as it was, I didn’t hate it. I mean yeah I would have preferred Iron Mike himself spitting bars more but his lady proxies for the video weren’t too shabby at all:

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Little people and flexible chicks with prominent labia, that’s what I look for in my diss tracks personally. But I didn’t mind the lyrics — “Sting like a venereal disease” and “I’m gonna make you shit your pants” being pronounced “I’m gonna make you shit Japan” by Mike Tyson were the highlights for me — the chorus wasn’t too bad, and now we can officially confirm that if Soulja Boy shows up, it is in fact going down. If you had higher expectations for a rap video done by Mike Tyson, that’s your fault. As for me, I’m just going to enjoy the absurdity of the ride that is the hype to a Chris Brown-Soulja Boy pay per view boxing match.

PS the irony of Mike Tyson doing a rap song called “If You Show Up” in which he and his management clearly had no interest in doing anything besides recording a few lines in a studio and not showing up for the video shoot should not be lost here

(h/t Jeremie)