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How About Charles Oakley Bitch Slapping Charles Barkley Out Of The Blue On Twitter?


Look at The Oakman coming out of the crowd and busting up Sir Charles with a steel chair over a slight of Cleveland. I fucking LOVE it! It reminds me of when Oakley, Mason, the Davis boys, and Rick Mahorn would hammer motherfuckers going down the lane on hits that would be considered flagrant 10 fouls by the NBA today.

Now granted, Oak calling out Barkley for talking shit about Cleveland is kind of like when a bully is just looking for a reason to beat up somebody. Everyone makes fun of Cleveland for losing in sports and in life. I imagine even Clevelanders laugh it off like Mets fans do after something shitty happens. You don’t live under a dark cloud for years without finding some humor in it. And yes I know that Oakley is from Cleveland. The mental image that would appear in my head when Marv Albert and Johnny Hoops would talk about how Oak’s mom cooked the entire Knicks team meals whenever they were in town to play the Cavs always made me laugh. Imagining that team of lunatics is Oakley’s childhood home is hilarious. But I don’t see Oakley as some banner waving Cleveland lover. Oak just plain old doesn’t like Barkley and was just reminding him to put some respeck on Cleveland’s name.

And of course there is the legend of the time Oakley bitchslapped Barkley during the lockout:

The unofficial start to the NBA season came sometime Wednesday afternoon when Charles Oakley said he belted his longtime nemesis Charles Barkley in the face during the players union meeting. “I heard what he was saying about me in Atlantic City and I didn’t like it,” Oakley said last night. “I’m fed up with him. “I told him you need to change your name. I’m the only Charles.

(via NYDN)

He told the motherfucker to change his name! Basically on some super Marlo shit. “My name is my name and ONLY my name!” That’s how you become known as THE enforcer of the 90s NBA. That’s how Michael Jordan makes you his unofficial bodyguard during retirement. And that’s how a fight happens right at the beginning of a goddamn preseason game.

If you are Charles Barkley, how can you possibly respond? The boogeyman checks his closet at night for Charles Oakley. Years of grab assing with Kenny The Jet and Shaq on the TNT set has probably made Barkley Charmin soft. And if you take another look at that tweet, you will realize something. Oakley was in Atlanta when he sent it. The same city as the TNT studios. Barkley going radio silent wasn’t a business decision. It was a life decision. Because for people that don’t remember, Oakley is/was/will forever be the baddest dude on the planet.