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First Look At The New Starbury's And They Are Actually Lit

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Previously, in 2006:

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Starbury is back and hes taking a page out of the LA Lights play book! Literally lit. And the best part is you can get them in every size and every color for a total of like 111 bucks! All he needed to do was add a spinning rim and he would have dropped the hottest shoe of all time:

A Dada/Starbury collaboration would be absolutely legendary. As a matter of fact, I think I just need a Sprewell/Marbury collab for life in general. You telling me a reality show with those two wouldnt be fucking incredible? Maybe they just go to the playground and scrape cats in 2 on 2, White Men Cant Jump style, and then they head back home and just live their lives together. Spree and Steph under 1 roof 24/7. We were robbed of this tag team never linking up in Minnesota. We deserve it now in 2016. Running around town together choking people and eating Vaseline while wearing awesome sneakers. THAT is the TV show we should be pitching to Hollywood.


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