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If You Actually Care About Obama Filling Out A Bracket, You're An Asshole



There are a lot of things I don’t know in life. A lot of things I haven’t learned. But I do know one thing. If you care, for even one second, about President Obama filling out a bracket then you’re a fucking asshole. Straight up. End of story. No if ands or buts about it. You need to find the nearest bridge and jump off. It is the most absurd misplaced anger in the world. I don’t care about politics in the least. Don’t even have an opinion on Obama. But if you think that taking 20 minutes out of his day to fill out a stupid bracket is inhibiting him from doing his job then you’re an absolute moron. But these people actually think Obama has been sitting around the White House losing sleep over Bucknell/Butler or whether or not Michigan State has another Final 4 run in them. It’s fucking psycho. No one should give a fuck about this. It’s a bracket. Everyone has one. Just like everyone slacks off at work to watch games tomorrow, just like everyone does less when their boss is on vacation, or when its a Friday in the summer. It’s called being a human. And it’s not like the government gets shit done anyway. It’s all bullshit. Who cares.



Love this chick. She doesn’t even know what the President does but she’s still complaining. Can’t believe Obama didn’t focus on all his “president things”.



You know what is offensive? The fact that Obama fills out a Women’s bracket. That’s fucked up. Total lack of judgement on that one. No one gives a shit about organized keep away. I would respect him infinitely more if he told Holly Rowe to kick rocks instead of putting Notre Dame, Uconn, Tennesse and Baylor into his final four for the 5th year in a row.