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Frank The Tank May Be A Time Traveler

For a man who has predicted many Mets disasters over the years, Frank Fleming may have outdone himself yesterday. At 12:33 PM EST, he tweeted this:


I read that (as most of you probably did) as "typical Frank being overly negative" bullshit. Tylor Megill was entering the game with an ERA of 4.40. He hasn't been having a great season but it's been fine. The Mets were playing the Pirates who are 9th in the NL in runs. The Mets have been in a tailspin for sure but I admit that I rolled my eyes when I saw that tweet.

Then this happed:


This isn't like predicting a guy will throw 6 IP and give up 3 ER or something basic bitch like that. This is an extremely rare pitching line and Frank nailed it almost to the pitch. Megill has made 40 MLB starts and up until last night has never struck out only one guy in a game he started. Until last night. Which Frank predicted. That's not even accounting for the rest of line he got dead on.

So I believe he might be a time traveler. There's no other explanation. Maybe it's like the book 11/22/63 where he found some portal in a diner. In that book, the main character kept getting sent back to the same point in the past. In Frank's case, is he being sent to the same place in the future? I don't think he's a Doc Brown type that knows how to build a time machine so perhaps he found some time tunnel in some part of New Jersey. The only thing I know is that the time portal is not located on a highway because Frank is afraid to drive on them.

I am imagining a future where everyone carries salt packets with them where ever they go. Or maybe in the future, salt doesn't exist and that's why he needs to carry the packets with him. In 2096 or whatever year he goes to, hot dogs might be treated like steak is now. His Raw Dog videos might be a (pardon the pun) link to how this delicacy was served in the past. In the very least, Frank's anger towards the Mets might stem from knowing the result each and every time but being unable to stop it.

Remember, this is the guy that said the Mets would lose the NL East last year when they had a 9.5 game lead. He also said the Mets will lose 90 games this season back in April. I told him that was so stupid, I'd get a tattoo if that happened. Not going to lie, I started looking at potential designs last night. I'm also starting to get bummed out for 2026.


The Mets are dogshit right now. They've lost seven in a row. However, they do have their best pitcher Kodai Senga this season on the mound at 4:05 PM today. Things have to improve. This would be an ideal game to point at as one to break the losing streak. Frank just tweeted this.

Oh, fuck.