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This Lacrosse Goal Was One Of The Most Violently Nasty Things Ever Captured On Camera

Are you kidding me? Ew. 

That was complete and utter filth. Downright disgusting behavior out of Syracuse's Alex Simmons. When he transferred to Syracuse this year from Denver for his 5th year of eligibility, it was precisely to score that exact goal right there. 

One-handed (in his off hand, mind you), underhanded, behind-the-back, under the feet, back of the net. It is so preposterous that the only way to describe how it's even possible is the fact that Alex Simmons is Canadian. I don't think physics work the same way for good ol' boys from Ontario as they do for the rest of the world. Because had Alex Simmons not been from Ontario? Had he just been from some place like Fairfax, Virginia? That goal never happens. But Canadians are freaks and they play by their own rules. The main rule is to strictly score in disturbingly nasty fashion. 

Have to imagine the run-in with Pres to kick off the weekend played at least a minor role in this one. 


P.S. -- Virginia won 19-12.

